Sabrina Kern




Over five years ago I started coaching young teens in Los Angeles and even though I was hesitant at first to go into coaching, I immediately fell in love with it. Since then I have been able to grow my clientele and am proud to really have made this passion my main source of income. Most of my private students have now been with me for over two years coming in on a weekly basis.

I always say: “If I do my job right, my students will be booking jobs left and right, working more than I do.”

It’s my job to EMPOWER my students. To give them a safe space where they can CREATE and live truthfully under imaginary circumstances. Caught that Meisner quote right there? That’s right. I do like Meisner a LOT. And it’s probably the “method” I like to use the most. However, I firmly believe that there is NOT one “right” method to learn how to act. Thanks to my extensive training and degrees from different schools in New York, Los Angeles and Zurich I’ve worked with many different teachings and am able to figure out which ones are best suited for each and everyone. And most importantly, I focus on my students finding their own voice and to show me more of who THEY ARE in every role.

“BE your unique self. Incorporate YOU into the role. Nobody is like you. Your uniqueness will book you the job”

I have my own studio in the heart of Zurich and look forward to working with you soon!!



What I offer:

  • private coaching sessions for adults (90.- per hour)

    • audition preparation

    • self-taping (professional studio set-up)

    • working on your acting and singing craft

  • weekly Master Class (340.- per month)

    • scene work with advanced students

    • english and german scenes available

    • empowering and inspiring circle, that goes beyond the art of acting

  • Group or private coachings for young adults (90.- per hour)

    • ages 11-15

CONTACT me via the contact form on the website or directly at

What my students say:

“I had the pleasure of taking part in a one-week workshop with Sabrina a few years ago. I can safely say that she was one of the best teachers I have ever worked with. She creates a very welcoming atmosphere in which you feel the confidence to try out new things, fall flat on your face, get back up and try again. She challenges you and makes you laugh all at the same time with her winning personality and great sense of humour. I highly recommend her as she has a very good eye and a knack for seeing what every individual student needs in order to move forward. Take a class with her - you won’t regret it!” - Martina S.

“Hi, I highly recommend Sabrina as a teacher! I took part in 3 of her workshops and I was always happy with her experience (as an actress) and professionalism. And it was always super fun! She helped me a lot with understanding the Meisner Method and the use of it. Overall she motivated me and made me sure that this (acting) is the direction I want to go.” - Ewa K.

“Sabrina ist so einladend und offen. Sie kriegt es irgendwie hin, dass man sich wie in einer “comfort zone” fühlt. Sie gibt meiner Kreativität Raum und spornt mich an immer mehr zu riskieren. Als teacher hat sie die perfekte Mischung von herausfordernd und ermutigend.” - Anja N.